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  1. Pig
  2. PIG-2328

Add builtin UDFs for building and using bloom filters

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    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.10.0, 0.11
    • internal-udfs
    • None
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      Bloom filters are a common way to select a limited set of records before moving data for a join or other heavy weight operation. For example, if one wanted to join a very large data set L with a smaller set S, and it was known that the number of keys in L that will match with S is small, building a bloom filter on S and then applying it to L before the join can greatly reduce the number of records from L that have to be moved from the map to the reduce, thus speeding the join.

      define bb BuildBloom('128', '3', 'jenkins');
      small = load 'S' as (x, y, z);
      grpd = group small all;
      fltrd = foreach grpd generate bb(small.x);
      store fltrd in 'mybloom';
      define bloom Bloom('mybloom');
      large = load 'L' as (a, b, c);
      flarge = filter large by bloom(L.a);
      joined = join small by x, flarge by a;
      store joined into 'results';

      When constructing BuildBloom, the three arguments passed are the number of bits in the bloom filter, the number of hash functions used in constructing the bloom filter, and the type of hash function to use. Valid values for the hash functions are 'jenkins' and 'murmur'. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter for a discussion of how to select the number of bits and the number of hash functions.

      This uses Hadoop's bloom filters (org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.BloomFilter) internally.
      Bloom filters are a common way to select a limited set of records before moving data for a join or other heavy weight operation. For example, if one wanted to join a very large data set L with a smaller set S, and it was known that the number of keys in L that will match with S is small, building a bloom filter on S and then applying it to L before the join can greatly reduce the number of records from L that have to be moved from the map to the reduce, thus speeding the join. {code} define bb BuildBloom('128', '3', 'jenkins'); small = load 'S' as (x, y, z); grpd = group small all; fltrd = foreach grpd generate bb(small.x); store fltrd in 'mybloom'; exec; define bloom Bloom('mybloom'); large = load 'L' as (a, b, c); flarge = filter large by bloom(L.a); joined = join small by x, flarge by a; store joined into 'results'; {code} When constructing BuildBloom, the three arguments passed are the number of bits in the bloom filter, the number of hash functions used in constructing the bloom filter, and the type of hash function to use. Valid values for the hash functions are 'jenkins' and 'murmur'. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter for a discussion of how to select the number of bits and the number of hash functions. This uses Hadoop's bloom filters (org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom.BloomFilter) internally.


      Bloom filters are a common way to do select a limited set of records before moving data for a join or other heavy weight operation. Pig should add UDFs to support building and using bloom filters.


        1. PIG-bloom-3.patch
          32 kB
          Alan Gates
        2. PIG-bloom-2.patch
          32 kB
          Alan Gates
        3. PIG-bloom.patch
          26 kB
          Alan Gates

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