Pig is generating a plan that eliminates half of input data when using FILTER BY
To better illustrate, I created a small test case.
1. Create a file in HDFS called "/testinput"
The contents of the file should be:
2. Run the following pig script:
ORIG = LOAD '/testinput' USING PigStorage() AS (parent_id: chararray, child_id:chararray, value:chararray);
– Split into two inputs based on the value of child_id
A = FILTER ORIG BY child_id =='a';
B = FILTER ORIG BY child_id =='b';
– Project out the column which chooses the correct data set
APROJ = FOREACH A GENERATE parent_id, value;
BPROJ = FOREACH B GENERATE parent_id, value;
– Merge both datasets by parent id
ABMERGE = JOIN APROJ by parent_id FULL OUTER, BPROJ by parent_id;
– Project the result
ABPROJ = FOREACH ABMERGE GENERATE APROJ::parent_id AS parent_id, APROJ::value,BPROJ::value;
3. The resulting tuple will be