Status: Resolved
Resolution: Resolved
@Test public void testInListExpressionWithDescOrderWithRightQueryPlan() throws Exception { String fullTableName = generateUniqueName(); String fullViewName = generateUniqueName(); String tenantView = generateUniqueName(); String TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL1 = getUrl() + ';' + TENANT_ID_ATTRIB + "=tenant1"; try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl())) { conn.setAutoCommit(true); try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) { stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE " + fullTableName + "(\n" + " TENANT_ID CHAR(15) NOT NULL,\n" + " KEY_PREFIX CHAR(3) NOT NULL,\n" + " CONSTRAINT PK PRIMARY KEY (\n" + " TENANT_ID," + " KEY_PREFIX" + ")) MULTI_TENANT=TRUE"); stmt.execute("CREATE VIEW " + fullViewName + "(\n" + " ID1 VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n" + " ID2 VARCHAR NOT NULL,\n" + " ID3 BIGINT, ID4 BIGINT \n" + " CONSTRAINT PKVIEW PRIMARY KEY\n" + " (\n" + " ID1, ID2 DESC\n" + ")) " + "AS SELECT * FROM " + fullTableName + " WHERE KEY_PREFIX = '0CY'"); } } try (Connection viewConn = DriverManager.getConnection(TENANT_SPECIFIC_URL1)) { viewConn.setAutoCommit(true); try (Statement stmt = viewConn.createStatement()) { stmt.execute("CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS " + tenantView + " AS SELECT * FROM " + fullViewName); try (PreparedStatement preparedStmt = viewConn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM " + tenantView + " WHERE (ID1, ID2) " + "IN (('me', '000000000000500')," + "('bar', '000000000000400')," + "('foo', '000000000000300'))")) { QueryPlan queryPlan = PhoenixRuntime.getOptimizedQueryPlan(preparedStmt); assertTrue(queryPlan.getExplainPlan().toString().contains("POINT LOOKUP ON ")); } } } }
InListExpression generates a range scan instead of a point lookup. This might result in an extremely bad performance for the DELETE and SELECT query. From my perspective, it might be the point that we need to refactor and/or rewrite query optimization code so that we don't need to have two code paths for InListExpresson. We can simply do the query rewrite to ((ID1=? AND ID2=?) or (ID1=? AND ID2=?)) as the right approach.