CsvBulkLoadTool creates incorrect data for the SCAWO(SingleCellArrayWithOffsets) table.
Every phoenix table needs a marker (empty) column, but CsvBulkLoadTool does not create that column for SCAWO tables.
If you check the data through HBase Shell, you can see that there is no corresponding column.
If created by Upsert Query, it is created normally.
column=0:\x00\x00\x00\x00, timestamp=1535420036372, value=x
Since there is no upper column, the result of all Group By queries is zero.
This is because "families":
{"0": ["\\ x00 \\ x00 \\ x00 \\ x00"]}is added to the column of the Scan object.
Because the CsvBulkLoadTool has not created the column, the result of the scan is empty.
This problem applies only to tables with multiple column families. The single-column family table works luckily.
"Families": {"0": ["ALL"]} is added to the column of the Scan object in the single column family table.