Epoch time can be represented as INTEGER (up to the seconds) or LONG (up to the millisecond). Currently CAST from UNSIGNED_LONG to TIMESTAMP not supported by Phoenix.
It make sense to have support for conversion from epoch (4 bytes or 8 bytes) to any datetime like format curently supported by Phoenix (TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP, UNSIGNED_TIME, UNSIGNED_DATE, UNSIGNED_TIMESTAMP).
HBase shell:
create 't','f1' put 't',"\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01L\x0Fz,\x1E",'f1:c1','test'
CREATE VIEW vT ( a UNSIGNED_INT NOT NULL ,b UNSIGNED_INT NOT NULL ,ts UNSIGNED_LONG NOT NULL CONSTRAINT pk PRIMARY KEY (a, b, ts)) AS SELECT * FROM "t" DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY ='f1'; select a, b, ts, CAST(1426188807198 AS TIMESTAMP) from vt; +----+----+----------------+------------------------------+ | A | B | TS | TO_TIMESTAMP(1426188807198) | +----+----+----------------+------------------------------+ | 1 | 1 | 1426188807198 | 2015-03-12 19:33:27.198 | +----+----+----------------+------------------------------+
select a, b, ts, CAST(ts AS TIMESTAMP) from vt; Error: ERROR 203 (22005): Type mismatch. UNSIGNED_LONG and TIMESTAMP for TS (state=22005,code=203)
As per Gabriel Reid
As a workaround, you can cast the UNSIGNED_LONG to a BIGINT first, and then cast it to a TIMESTAMP, i.e.
select a, b, ts, CAST(CAST(ts AS BIGINT) AS TIMESTAMP) from vt;
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