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  1. PDFBox
  2. PDFBOX-4151

FlateFilter, LZWFilter with predictor causes double memory usage




      The problem occurred in our production during processing file with size 400kB. The file was generated by the scanner with resolution 5960 x 8430 pixels with 8 bit per pixel (unfortunately we have no control over files which should be processed). Our analysis showed that problem is in FlateFilter.decode where uncompressed data are written into ByteArrayOutputStream. Since the final size of the file is unknown to OutputStream its size is growing by internal call Arrays.copyOf. By the end of processing file, this leads to usage of memory at two times file size.

      What we have tried and helped in our case was slightly modification of FlateFilter and LZWFilter decode method implementation. Here is the code snippet of original method body:

      public DecodeResult decode(InputStream encoded, OutputStream decoded,
      COSDictionary parameters, int index) throws IOException
      int predictor = -1;
      final COSDictionary decodeParams = getDecodeParams(parameters, index);
      if (decodeParams != null)
      predictor = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.PREDICTOR);
      if (predictor > 1)
      int colors = Math.min(decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLORS, 1), 32);
      int bitsPerPixel = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, 8);
      int columns = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLUMNS, 1);
      ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      decompress(encoded, baos);
      ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
      Predictor.decodePredictor(predictor, colors, bitsPerPixel, columns, bais, decoded);
      decompress(encoded, decoded);
      catch (DataFormatException e)
      // if the stream is corrupt a DataFormatException may occur
      LOG.error("FlateFilter: stop reading corrupt stream due to a DataFormatException");
      // re-throw the exception
      throw new IOException(e);
      return new DecodeResult(parameters);

      and here is our implementation:

          public DecodeResult decode(InputStream encoded, OutputStream decoded,
                                               COSDictionary parameters, int index) throws IOException
              final COSDictionary decodeParams = getDecodeParams(parameters, index);
              int predictor = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.PREDICTOR);
                  if (predictor > 1)
                  	File tempFile = null;
                      FileOutputStream fos = null;
                      FileInputStream fis = null;
                      try {
                      	int colors = Math.min(decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLORS, 1), 32);
                      	int bitsPerPixel = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.BITS_PER_COMPONENT, 8);
                      	int columns = decodeParams.getInt(COSName.COLUMNS, 1);
                      	tempFile = File.createTempFile("tmpPdf", null);
                      	fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile);
                      	decompress(encoded, fos);
                      	fis = new FileInputStream(tempFile);
                      	Predictor.decodePredictor(predictor, colors, bitsPerPixel, columns, fis, decoded);
                      } finally {
                      	try { 
                      		// try to delete but don't care if it fails
      					} catch(Exception e) {
      						LOG.error("Could not delete temp data file", e);
                      decompress(encoded, decoded);
              catch (DataFormatException e)
                  // if the stream is corrupt a DataFormatException may occur
                  LOG.error("FlateFilter: stop reading corrupt stream due to a DataFormatException");
                  // re-throw the exception
                  throw new IOException(e);
              return new DecodeResult(parameters);

      The picture OriginalFilters.png shows memory usage during processing this file with unmodified filters and the picture ModifiedFilters.png shows memory usage during processing same file with modified filters.

      For testing purposes, we have created two small applications with same Main class and Main method, but different libraries used (one, called TestOriginalFilters uses Filters implementation without any change and the second one called TestModifiedFilters uses Filters with our modification). Since original document contains personal data, we propose given fileĀ (TEST.pdf) with an almost same resolution for internal testing. The application waits for 10 seconds before starting file processing to ensure enough time for starting jvisualvm. The application is also prepared for multi-page documents. The application MainTest class:

      package test;
      import java.awt.Dimension;
      import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
      import java.io.File;
      import java.io.IOException;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.List;
      import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
      import javax.swing.JLabel;
      import org.apache.pdfbox.io.MemoryUsageSetting;
      import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
      import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer;
      public class MainTest {
      	// This is simple test for amount of memory consumption by PDFBox library
      	public static void main(String[] args) {
      		if (args.length != 1) {
      			throw new IllegalArgumentException("File is needed to continue");
      		String fileName = args[0];
      		try {
      			System.out.println("start sleep for 10 second to start jvisualvm");
      			System.out.println("sleep is over");
      		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
      		try {
      			File dataFile = new File(fileName);
      			PDDocument document = PDDocument.load(dataFile, MemoryUsageSetting.setupMixed(64 * 1024));
      			int pages = document.getNumberOfPages();
      			PDFRenderer renderer = new PDFRenderer(document);
      			List<BufferedImage> images = new ArrayList<>();
      			for (int j = 0; j < pages; j++) {
      				System.out.println("Procesing page with index: " + j);
      				long startime = System.nanoTime();
      				BufferedImage image = renderer.renderImage(j, computeZoomFactor(document, j, 500));
      				System.out.println("Page with index: " + j + " done in " + ((System.nanoTime() - startime)) / 1000000);
      				JLabel result = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
      				result.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()));
      			System.out.println("Processing finished");
      		} catch (IOException ioe) {
      	private static float computeZoomFactor(PDDocument document, int pageIndex, float width) {
      		float docWidth = document.getPage(pageIndex).getCropBox().getWidth();
      		return width > 0 ? (width / docWidth) : 1.0f;


        1. TEST.pdf
          491 kB
          Marek Pribula
        2. predictor_stream.patch
          27 kB
          Itai Shaked
        3. predictor_stream_rev2.patch
          28 kB
          Itai Shaked
        4. pop-bugzilla93476.pdf
          108 kB
          Tilman Hausherr
        5. PDFJS-9581-hugeimage.pdf
          636 kB
          Tilman Hausherr
        6. PDFBOX-2554-cmykrasterobjecttypes.pdf
          501 kB
          Tilman Hausherr
        7. OriginalFilters.png
          158 kB
          Marek Pribula
        8. ModifiedFilters.png
          170 kB
          Marek Pribula
        9. gs-bugzilla690022.pdf
          5.03 MB
          Tilman Hausherr

        Issue Links



              tilman Tilman Hausherr
              marekpribula Marek Pribula
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

