Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Bug
Hi ... not sure if thats a bug or not, so i just shoot:
Im merging some pdfs that conform to the pdfa-1b standard with PdfMergerUtility.merge.
The result has to be pdfa-1b conform as well.
So my code is like
public ByteArrayOutputStream merge(final List<InputStream> sources) throws IOException { try ( ByteArrayOutputStream mergedPDFOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); COSStream cosStream = new COSStream() ) { PDFMergerUtility pdfMerger = createPDFMergerUtility(sources, mergedPDFOutputStream); PDDocumentInformation pdfDocumentInfo = createPDFDocumentInfo(TITLE, CREATOR, SUBJECT); PDMetadata xmpMetadata = createXMPMetadata(cosStream, TITLE, CREATOR, SUBJECT); pdfMerger.setDestinationDocumentInformation(pdfDocumentInfo); pdfMerger.setDestinationMetadata(xmpMetadata); pdfMerger.mergeDocuments(MemoryUsageSetting.setupMainMemoryOnly()); return mergedPDFOutputStream; } catch (BadFieldValueException | TransformerException e) { throw new IOException("PDF merge problem", e); } finally { for (InputStream source : sources) { try { source.close(); } catch (IOException e) {} } }
This works fine if the pdfs come from the same source, e.g. have similar OutputIntents described in their catalogs.
But when i mix documents that have different OutputIntents like
/Type /OutputIntent
/OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB)
/RegistryName (
/DestOutputProfile 36 0 R
<</OutputIntents[<</Info(Adobe RGB \(1998\))/S/GTS_PDFA1/Type/OutputIntent/DestOutputProfile 1 0 R/OutputConditionIdentifier(Adobe RGB \(1998\))>>]/Metadata 16 0 R/Type/Catalog/StructTreeRoot 15 0 R/MarkInfo<</Marked true>>/Pages 4 0 R>>
the PdfMergerUtility seems to concat them with different DestOutputProfiles:
4 0 obj
/Type /OutputIntent
/OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB)
/RegistryName (
/DestOutputProfile 17 0 R
5 0 obj
/Info (Adobe RGB \(1998\))
/Type /OutputIntent
/DestOutputProfile 18 0 R
/OutputConditionIdentifier (Adobe RGB \(1998\))
and therefore its no longer conform thanks to Specification: ISO 19005-1:2005, Clause: 6.2.2
when i manually change the file (with a notepad) from "/DestOutputProfile 18 0 R" to "/DestOutputProfile 17 0 R" the file again gains conformity.
I might be able to re-parse the merged document as PDDocument and modify the OutputIntent-Array in the Catalog, but i dont think thats how it was intended?
So am i doing something wrong or should PdfMergerUtility not only get a setter for DocumentInformation and MetaData, but some manual way to influence the Outputintents?
Thanks already.
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PDFBOX-3317 Merged PDF/A files no longer valid PDF/A
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