Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
From my email to the Jetspeed dev list, cc Bridges dev list, see:
On 04/09/2010 01:13 AM, David Sean Taylor wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Ate Douma<> wrote:
>> On 04/08/2010 06:17 AM, David Sean Taylor wrote:
>>> A minor complication to any portlets using the Velocity Bridge with
>>> the edit_defaults auto switch, seems we need to patch the bridge in
>>> And require another release of this bridge if we want to properly
>>> support edit_defaults auto switch .....
>> Maybe we should consider upgrading bridges also to use portals-pom and
>> release using Nexus.
>> If we combine that will separated and independent release versions for each
>> bridges component like we now do with APA, e.g. start defining versions like
>> bridges-common-1.0.5, bridges-velocity-1.0.5 etc. in APA JIRA, and have them
>> all have their separate svn trunk/branches/tags folder, we could turn out a
>> bridges-velocity-1.0.5 (and at least bridges-common-1.0.5 for proper Maven-2
>> dependency resolution) pretty quickly.
>> Doing the ground work starting with only bridges-common and bridges-velocity
>> probably can be done in matter of hours.
>> WDYT?
> +1 on velocity and common bridges
Assuming lazy consensus on this for now then I'll start on this right away.
Actually I already did some preliminary work locally and got things converted and working within half an hour
The restructuring of svn itself probably will take most of the time.
As I think these new bridges versions should all assume portlet 2.0 runtime environments, we better bump their major version to indicate this, e.g. bridges-common-2.0 and bridges-velocity-2.0
I plan to do the following:
- create a PB JIRA issue for all this
- create new PB JIRA versions bridges-pom-1.0, bridges-common-2.0, bridges-velocity-2.0 and bridges-site as a start
- create a new portals svn site subproject for bridges and (start) moving the little bridges xdocs we have over (maven-2, no multiproject)
- create new svn /bridges-pom, /bridges-common and /bridges-velocity project trees with their own trunk/branches/tags folders
- create a new bridges-pom:1.0:pom project
- move current bridges/trunk /common/* under /bridges-common/trunk and /velocity/* under bridges-velocity/trunk,
- for commons and velocity, remove their maven-1 configurations and their xdocs and update their maven-2 pom.xml
- adjust the current bridges/trunk maven-1 and maven-2 projects to accomodate for these components been moved out
All in all, this should take a few hours the most and allow us to release new bridges-pom, bridges-common and bridges-velocity shortly.
Other bridges which qualify for updating and subsequent 2.x releases like maybe struts and groovy can follow later on.