I am using the myFaces implementation of JSF in conjunction with the Apache portal bridge.
I have no issue when I use the portlet as a single instance. All is beautiful. When I make the portlet multi-instance the eorld comes tumbling down. All the javascript and component ID's are the same.
I know myfaces looks to the external context to call help create a unique id for the components which should call response.namespace();
You can see in the HTML output of the lifray install that unqiue names are being generated for the each portlet (both the same "flavor")
portlet [com.liferay.portlet.PortletSessionImpl@608486] namespace response[_contentRepositoryBrowser-wide_WAR_contentRepositoryBrowser_INSTANCE_Ju5n_]
portlet [com.liferay.portlet.PortletSessionImpl@1919998] namespace response[_contentRepositoryBrowser-wide_WAR_contentRepositoryBrowser_INSTANCE_1cKB_]
I know myFaces makes the following call on create unique Id:
public String createUniqueId()
which in the end should pickup the names given by RenderResponse.getNamespace(), yet that is no where in the HTML output.
As far as I can tell this is because the external context implementation provided with the apache jsf portlet bridge does the following:
- @see javax.faces.context.ExternalContext#encodeNamespace(java.lang.String)
public String encodeNamespace(String s) { return s; }
according to the documentation for ExternalContext.encodeNamespace(..)
Return the specified name, after prefixing it with a namespace that ensures that it will be unique within the context of a particular page.
Servlet: The input value must be returned unchanged.
Portlet: The returned value must be the input value prefixed by the value returned by the javax.portlet.RenderResponse method getNamespace().