In the popular OS like Mac, many people uses `orc-tools` command instead of `java -jar orc-tools-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar`. This issue aims to add `version` command like the following. (`version` is added.)
$ orc-tools version ORC 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT
$ orc-tools
ORC Java Tools
usage: java -jar orc-tools-*.jar [--help] [--define X=Y] <command> <args>
version - print the version of this ORC tool
meta - print the metadata about the ORC file
data - print the data from the ORC file
scan - scan the ORC file
convert - convert CSV and JSON files to ORC
json-schema - scan JSON files to determine their schema
key - print information about the keys
To get more help, provide -h to the command
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