testCustomTimestampFormat in TestCsvReader fails in some environments because the test is locale-dependent.
In this test, we try to parse a DateTime string (such as '21 Mar 2018 12:23:34') with a given timestamp format. The problem is that English month abbreviations (such as 'Mar') are locale-dependent. When the locale of Java Virtual Machine is a locale where the language is English (e.g., en_US and en_GB), this test passes without any problems. However, when the locale of JVM is a locale where the language is non-English (e.g., ja_JP and zh_CN), the test fails as follows.
[INFO] Running [ERROR] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.237 s <<< FAILURE! - in [ERROR] testCustomTimestampFormat( Time elapsed: 0.143 s <<< ERROR! org.threeten.bp.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '21 Mar 2018 12:23:34' could not be parsed at index 3 at
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