The method Cmp2Generator.createSelectMethod() does not support "none" return type. If an method is created with result-type-mapping="none", then the return type will return type will get converted to void. This will throw a non-descriptive NullPointerException on line 778, since the return of Cmp2Generator.Convert.getConversion() will be null.
FIX #1: Better error message than NullPointerException
A better error message would be appreciated here as is seen in the fromObjectTo() method such as:
public static void fromObjectTo(MethodVisitor mv, Class to) {
if (to.equals(Object.class))
else if (!to.isPrimitive())
{ mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, Type.getInternalName(to)); }else
{ Convert conversion = getConversion(to); if (conversion == null) throw new NullPointerException("unsupported conversion for EJB select return type " + from.getName()); conversion.objectToPrimitive(mv); }}
FIX #2: Add void as a supported type. Also, verify doing so would not be a spec violation.
TO REPRODUCE: Create a bean method such as the following:
- @ejb.transaction
- type="Mandatory"
- query="DELETE FROM someSCHEMA as a WHERE a.someId=?1"
- result-type-mapping="none"
- @param someId
public abstract void ejbSelectRemoveById(java.lang.Integer someId) throws FinderException;
Disclaimer: I take no responsibility in the code sample... I was the one charged with debugging it when upgrading from Geronimo 1 to 2.1, not writing it. I understand there are better ways to do this.