Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Injecting ABC -> Test
Example #1:
ABC has a field that uses a custom qualifier and the field's values are created/injected via javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Extension and javax.enterprise.inject.spi.Bean#create(CreationalContext<?> ctx). The create() op threw a CreationException (on purpose).
Actual Results:
1. Nothing is logged (because exception is swallowed by org.apache.openejb.arquillian.common.enrichment.OpenEJBEnricher)
2. ABC is null in Test, test runs and later fails due to a NullPointerException when Test accesses ABC
Expected Results:
1. Reason for creation failure is logged
2. Test fails on enrichment because ABC cannot be injected into Test. No tests are executed.
Example #2:
There is a RuntimeException in a @PostConstruct on ABC.
Actual Results:
1. Error gets logged because of org.apache.webbeans.component.AbstractInjectionTargetBean#postConstructDefault(...)
2. ABC is null in Test, test runs and later fails due to a NullPointerException when Test accesses ABC
Expected Results:
1. Test fails on enrichment because ABC cannot be injected into Test. No tests are executed.