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  1. OpenEJB
  2. OPENEJB-1055

OpenEJB Embedded in Eclipse Configuration Issue



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 3.1.1
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Windows XP, Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers (Galileo). Build id: 20090621-0832


      I posted this on the mailing list, but after further experiments, it's looking like a defect. I've updated the content, accordingly.

      I'm successfully using OpenEJB as an embedded container for testing purposes only. Production deployments are going to another container to be determined.

      I have the following eclipse directory structure:

      + conf/ # includes persistence.xml, dozer mapping files, etc.

      + openejb-home/
      + conf/ # empty before running a unit test

      + src/
      + java/ # includes many subdirectories

      + test/
      + conf/
      + openejb.xml
      + java/ # includes many subdirectories

      When I set up the InitialContext, I also include the following properties:

      properties.setProperty("openejb.home", "openejb-home");
      properties.setProperty("openejb.base", "openejb-home");
      properties.setProperty("openejb.configuration", "openejb.home/../test/conf/openejb.xml");
      properties.setProperty("logging.conf", "openejb-home/../test/conf/logging.properties");

      Everything runs fine. The openejb.xml configuration file is found in test/conf. The generated properties and config files (e.g., logging.properties, cxf.properties) are automatically created in openejb-home/conf. Also, the temp directory is created under openejb-home. I connect to an external database, so there is no db directory.

      However, I was expecting all openejb files and directories to be created under openejb-home, but only the aforementioned ones were. Additionally, there is another logging.properties being created under my main conf directory (i.e., hca/conf) and the logs directory is being created under hca.

      Now, if I change the logging.properties file that was generated in my hca/conf directory to point to openejb-home/logs, then the log files are generated in the proper destination on subsequent runs of the test. It appears, though, OpenEJB is ignoring my explicit setting of the logging.properties path (I've tried paths relative openejb.home and fully qualified per the filesystem).

      Why does OpenEJB seem to ignore my logging.conf (and possibly occasionally my home and base overrides)? I don't want to change the name of my own conf directory because it's our standard. Also, if I created my logging.properties file under conf, OpenEJB would overwrite it.

      Any ideas?





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