Testing JIRA OOZIE-3688
Cleaning local git workspace
. +1 the patch does not introduce any @author tags
. +1 the patch does not introduce any tabs
. +1 the patch does not introduce any trailing spaces
. +1 the patch does not introduce any star imports
. +1 the patch does not introduce any line longer than 132
. +1 the patch adds/modifies 1 testcase(s)
+1 RAT
. +1 the patch does not seem to introduce new RAT warnings
. +1 Javadoc generation succeeded with the patch
. +1 the patch does not seem to introduce new Javadoc warning(s)
. +1 HEAD compiles
. +1 patch compiles
. +1 the patch does not seem to introduce new javac warnings
-1 There are [8] new bugs found below threshold in total that must be fixed.
. -1 There are [7] new bugs found below threshold in [core] that must be fixed, listing only the first [5] ones.
. You can find the SpotBugs diff here (look for the red and orange ones): core/findbugs-new.html
. The top [5] most important SpotBugs errors are:
. At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 206]: This use of javax/persistence/EntityManager.createQuery(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/persistence/Query; can be vulnerable to SQL/JPQL injection
. At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 176]: At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 175]
. At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 205]: At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 199]
. This use of javax/persistence/EntityManager.createQuery(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/persistence/Query; can be vulnerable to SQL/JPQL injection: At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 206]
. At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 111]: At BulkJPAExecutor.java:[line 127]
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [client].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [docs].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [fluent-job/fluent-job-api].
. 0 There are [4] new bugs found in [server] that would be nice to have fixed.
. You can find the SpotBugs diff here: server/findbugs-new.html
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [examples].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [tools].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [webapp].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/distcp].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/spark].
. -1 There are [1] new bugs found below threshold in [sharelib/oozie] that must be fixed.
. You can find the SpotBugs diff here (look for the red and orange ones): sharelib/oozie/findbugs-new.html
. The most important SpotBugs errors are:
. At ShellMain.java:[line 93]: This usage of java/lang/ProcessBuilder.<init>(Ljava/util/List;)V can be vulnerable to Command Injection
. At ShellMain.java:[line 91]: At ShellMain.java:[line 90]
. At ShellMain.java:[line 92]
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/hcatalog].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/streaming].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/hive2].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/sqoop].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/hive].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/pig].
. +1 There are no new bugs found in [sharelib/git].
. +1 the patch does not change any JPA Entity/Colum/Basic/Lob/Transient annotations
. +1 the patch does not modify JPA files
. Tests run: 3259
. +1 distro tarball builds with the patch
-1 Overall result, please check the reported -1(s)
The full output of the test-patch run is available at
. https://ci-hadoop.apache.org/job/PreCommit-OOZIE-Build/170/
PreCommit-OOZIE-Build started