I can varify that this is not an issue at all.
After running
mvn release:prepare locally, I get the tar.gz produced for every module. We just need to make sure that these are ubloaded to the dist server and mirrored from there however this is documente din the release process so it should not be a problem.
lmcgibbn@LMC-032857 /usr/local/oodt/cli/target(master) $ ls
apidocs cas-cli-0.7-dist.zip.asc cas-cli-0.7-sources.jar cas-cli-0.7.pom.asc maven-shared-archive-resources
archive-tmp cas-cli-0.7-javadoc.jar cas-cli-0.7-sources.jar.asc classes site
cas-cli-0.7-dist.tar.gz cas-cli-0.7-javadoc.jar.asc cas-cli-0.7.jar generated-sources surefire
cas-cli-0.7-dist.tar.gz.asc cas-cli-0.7-source-release.zip cas-cli-0.7.jar.asc javadoc-bundle-options surefire-reports
cas-cli-0.7-dist.zip cas-cli-0.7-source-release.zip.asc cas-cli-0.7.pom maven-archiver test-classes