The main purpose of this patch is to improve the richness and consistency of metadata extracted from the THREDDS catalogs and OpenDAP streams, and to check that the required information is indeed present in the resulting OODT metadata profiles.
Details on all classes affected follow:
- invokes a profile-checking utility and prints out a summary of the most important metadata fields for quick review by the publisher
- extracts variable names, long names and CF standard names from the opendap DAS stream
- stores additional metadata, such as the hostname
- parses all types of <documentation> tags, including xlinks, and uses the "type" attribute to create different metadata elements
- adds additional geospatial and temporal coverage elements
- stores multiple THREDDS access URLs as OODT <resLocation> attributes: the OpenDAP URL, the THREDDS catalog URL, and the TDS HTML landing page. All <resLocation>s are ecoded as tuple, to store the multiple fields
- does NOT parse tHE variable information in the THREDDS catalog, since this metadata is more reliably and consistently extracted from the opendap stream
- new utility class that checks an OODT Profile versus a list of required/optional elements.
- fixes bug that caused any metadata value containing a ',' to be split across multiple XML elements
- checks for the string "null" before adding a value to the metadata
- allow for multiple values of the same profile element to be provided in the configuration file, and includes them in the resulting OODT profile
- updated example of configuration with new metadata fields
General changes
- changed level of log output in several classes so that relevant information stands out more