
    • Sub-task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 0.4
    • workflow manager
    • None


      Internally at JPL, we built a Workflow 2 GUI (thanks bfoster!) I'm working on preparing a patch to port it from the old internal JPL workflow manager (wengine) code to Apache OODT. I'll use this patch to track the progress. I need to migrate:

      I'll attach a screenshot to show what it looks like (and will look like) shortly.


        1. Screen shot 2011-07-05 at 2.28.51 PM.png
          151 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        2. OODT-296.Mattmann.070611.patch.txt
          275 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        3. OODT-296.070611.Mattmann.patch.txt
          280 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        4. create-sel.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        5. create.jpg
          0.9 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        6. cursor-zoom.png
          0.9 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        7. delete-sel.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        8. delete.jpg
          0.9 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        9. edit-sel.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        10. edit.jpg
          0.8 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        11. move-sel.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        12. move.jpg
          0.8 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        13. zoom-in-sel.jpg
          2 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        14. zoom-in.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        15. zoom-out-sel.jpg
          2 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        16. zoom-out.jpg
          1 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        17. oodt-weditor-icons.pdf
          129 kB
          Chris A. Mattmann
        18. oodt-weditor-icons.tar.gz
          192 kB
          Andrew Hart
        19. _preview.png
          166 kB
          Andrew Hart



            chrismattmann Chris A. Mattmann
            chrismattmann Chris A. Mattmann
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