If a user clicks the next_month or prev_month arrows and the year is wrapping (i.e. going from December to January or vice versa) then the links for the particular days in that month will be wrong. For example, if it's December 2008 and a user clicks the next month and then clicks the link for the 4th the url will be "http://[host]/index.php?month=13&day=04&year=2008", which is wrong in both the month and year fields. The same holds for prev_month except the month will go to 0 (or lower) and the year will not change.
Here are patches that will fix the problem:
— webapp/php/trunk/public_html/calendar.php
+++ webapp/php/trunk/public_html/calendar.php
@@ -57,8 57,8 @@ $prevMonthDay+;
$prev_year= $year-1;
$next_year= $year+1;
-$prev_month = $month-1;
-$next_month = $month+1;
+$prev_month = $month==1?12:$month-1;
+$next_month = $month==12?1:$month+1;
— webapp/php/trunk/views/calendar.php
+++ webapp/php/trunk/views/calendar.php
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ var updateMYLink = "calendar.php?mon=";
<caption class="monthName"></caption><thead>
<tr><th id="calheader" colspan="7">
<a href="#prev_year" class="prev_year" onclick="updateCalendar(<?echo $month;?>,<? echo $prev_year;?>)"><</a>
- <a href="#prev_month" class="prev_month" onclick="updateCalendar(<? echo $prev_month;?>,<? echo $year;?>)"><</a>
+ <a href="#prev_month" class="prev_month" onclick="updateCalendar(<? echo $prev_month;?>,<? echo ($prev_month==12?($year-1):$year);?>)"><</a>
<?=$monthName." ".$year?> - <a href="#next_month" class="next_month" onclick="updateCalendar(<?echo $next_month;?>,<? echo $year;?>)">></a>
+ <a href="#next_month" class="next_month" onclick="updateCalendar(<?echo $next_month;?>,<? echo ($next_month==1?($year+1):$year);?>)">></a>
<a href="#next_year" class="next_year" onclick="updateCalendar(<?echo $month;?>,<? echo $next_year;?>)">></a>