1、when i try to create a new blog article, i get the following error message:
In field [articleData] less-than (<) and greater-than (>) symbols are not allowed.
it seems that this field does not support html text !
2、after i use plain text for the field [articleData], when i post the form, i get the following error message:
The following required parameter is missing: [IN] [createElectronicText.dataResourceId]]
and i go through the code that handles the request and the log record, to find that the following eca does not execute which causes the error:
<!-- electronic text; needs dataResourceId -->
<eca service="createElectronicText" event="invoke">
<condition field-name="dataResourceId" operator="is-empty"/>
<set field-name="dataResourceTypeId" value="ELECTRONIC_TEXT"/>
<action service="createDataResource" mode="sync" result-to-context="true"/>
does the problem lies in the framework code ?