Not all libraries can be embedded and used via Java API.
Some, like CAS SSO, need to be loaded as a standard web application and access via REST API.
So we need to allow OFBiz to load standard web application where there is no controller.xml and the jar files residing in WEB-INF/lib folder.
Proposing to add an attribute named 'type' to the 'webapp' tag at ofbiz-component.xml, i.e.
<webapp name="myapp" type="standard" <--------------- new proposed attribute title="Myapp" server="myapp-server" location="webapp/myapp" mount-point="/myapp"/>
This new attribute will help to differentiate standard web applications from those in OFBiz, and allows Catalina Container to load them accordingly.
When type="standard", will load as standard web application.
When type is empty, load according to OFBiz way.
There are some discussions on this at