Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
The Find form for Product Backlog Item does not work in language other than English when no "statusId" or "custRequestTypeId" are selected.
Step to reproduce :
- Go to the Scrum component and select a product
- Go to the "Total Backlog" tab
or use this linl : https://localhost:8443/scrum/control/ViewTotalBacklog?productId=DEMO-PRODUCT-1
- Hit the search button, the find action is performed and return a non-empty list.
- Set your language preference to a non english language (french for example).
- Click again on the "Total Backlog" tab, and hit the "Rechercher" button.
- No results are found.
Where does the problem come from ?
The results displayed are from a list named "backlogList" which is built in the following script : FindProductBacklogItem.groovy .
In this script, there were a check on the parameter "custRequestTypeId" and on the parameter "statusId".
But the value was hardcoded :
Obviously, when the form is in another language than english, those conditions aren't valid anymore (for exemple, "Any" is "Dont" in French")
I removed the option based on "uiLabelMap.CommonAny" in the form for both the "custRequestTypeId" and the "statusId". And I set the "allow-empty" attribute of the drop-down to "true".
Please tell me what you think about that solution (I'm not sure about the "allow-empty" thing).