We slightly changed the old format of the footer. The old format used only the translated words uiLabelMap.CommonBuiltOn and uiLabelMap.CommonWith. On the other hand, the new format contains the words Branch, Revision, Built On and Java Version.
We need to translate all four words in the CommonUiLabels.xml and then incorporate them
old version:
" - Release-revision : ${releasePath}-r${info.entry.commit(revision)}, ${uiLabelMap.CommonBuiltOn} ${dateTime} ${uiLabelMap.CommonWith} Java ${java.version}
new version:
"Branch: ${info.entry.url.text()}" + System.lineSeparator() "Revision: ${info.entry.commit.@revision}" + System.lineSeparator() "Built on: ${timestamp}" + System.lineSeparator() "Java Version: ${org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current()}"