Uprade the Apache Tika Library :
- tika-parsers-1.7.jar -> tika-parsers-1.12.jar
- tika-core-1.7.jar -> tika-core-1.12.jar
This update induce updating of :
- pdfbox-1.8.5.jar -> pdfbox-1.8.11.jar
- jempbox-1.8.5.jar -> jempbox-1.8.11.jar
- fontbox-1.8.5.jar -> fontbox-1.8.11.jar
- commons-compress-1.9.jar -> commons-compress-1.11.jar
And pdfbox-1.8.11.jar need the introduction of :
- jce-jdk13-154.jar under MIT licence (
Apache Tika is needed to test the screenfop on issue OFBIZ-6497. So I move all library from applications/content/lib/ to framework/base/lib/ to didn't create a dependency between widget and content
Maybe we can introduce a new directory on framework/base/lib to separate the library to work on format file