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  1. OFBiz
  2. OFBIZ-6317

Missing BIRT libs in eclipse .classpath file



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Release Branch 14.12, 16.11.01
    • 14.12.01
    • birt, framework
    • None
    • Community Day 2 - 2015


      Because of missing JARs from the specialpurpose component birt in the eclipse .classpath file OFBiz could not be startet within eclipse without errors (NoClassDefFoundError while starting birt component).

      With "starting within eclipse" I mean the configuration with hot code replacement like this: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Running+and+Debugging+OFBiz+in+Eclipse#RunningandDebuggingOFBizinEclipse-debuggingInEclipseHotClasses

      I will provide a patch for the .classpath file with 4 added libs from the specialpurpose/birt/lib folder.

      It would be beneficial, at least for simple contribution of jira issue fixes, if the default configuration of OFBiz from trunk is runnable as is (in a common development scenario like the above), without the need to modify config files which are under version control (.classpath for example). The alternative could be to not put files under version control, that are related to individual development environments.

      By the way, it would also be nice to have the framework/base/config folder as src in the .classpath file as described in the wiki article above, so that the configuration of an eclipse debug/run target for starting OFBiz in eclipse is done by only selecting the project + start-class and giving some JVM args.


        1. OFBIZ-6317.patch
          1 kB
          Martin Becker
        2. OFBIZ-6317_trunk_framework-base-config.patch
          0.8 kB
          Martin Becker
        3. OFBIZ-6317_14-12.patch
          3 kB
          Martin Becker



            mbrohl Michael Brohl
            mbecker Martin Becker
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            3 Start watching this issue

