Place sales order with a supplier for drop-ship then supplier preferred currency not considered. To generate issue, follow these steps:
- Go to Order > Order Entry and initiate sales order.
- Select USD currency.
- Add product and quantity, then click the Add to Order button.
- Item will be added in the shopping cart, click the Finalize Order tab.
- Select supplier which have EUR preferred currency, and supply the product (added in shopping cart) in EUR currency only. Make sure quantity of added product in the shopping cart is equals / greater then to supplier minimum order quantity of same product.
- Finally place the order.
Expected Result:
Drop-ship (PO) order should be generated for the sales order item.
Actual Result:
Drop-ship (PO) order not created and getting this error on console,
Error in Service [checkCreateDropShipPurchaseOrders]: The following error occurred creating drop shipments for order WSCO10180: SupplierProduct not found