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  1. OFBiz
  2. OFBIZ-5559

Usability improvement for management of manual Gl transactions



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Trunk
    • Trunk
    • accounting
    • None


      I have recently tried to use OFBiz to manually enter GL transactions from the UI. I found some usability issues that I have fixed in the attached patch. The patch contains some basic modifications that render the manual management of transactions more user-friendly.

      The main modifications are as follows.

      1. In Applications -> Accounting -> Global GL Settings -> CHART OF ACCOUNTS -> NAVIGATE ACCOUNTS:

      • the patch visualizes the "Account Code" instead of the "Gl Account Id" next to the nodes of the tree in the "Navigate Accounts" form. The reason is that the "Account Code" is typically defined and used by accountants, whereas the "Gl Account Id" is an internal key. This is also in line with other screens in the OFBiz Accounting application;
      • the patch renders the "Gl Account Id" field not editable and leaves to the software the task of generating a unique Id for the account;
      • the patch adds the default value "Not Applicable" for "Gl Account Type Id" and "Gl Resource Type Id" in the "Edit GL Account" form. The reason is that the setting of "Gl Account Type Id" is not influential when accounting transactions are manually inserted and "Gl Resource Type Id" is not applicable in some of the transactions.

      2. In Applications > Accounting ->Organization GL Settings -> ACCOUNTING (of any organization)> ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS the patch adds the DESCRIPTION field to the list of transactions that is displayed when the "Search" button is pressed in the "Accounting Transactions" form. It helps to quickly understand what the transactions in the list are about.

      3. In Applications > Accounting ->Organization GL Settings -> ACCOUNTING (of any organization)> ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS -> "Create an Accounting Transaction" button, the patch adds the default value "Not Applicable" to the field "Acctg Trans Type". The reason is that the value of "Acctg Trans Type" is not influential when transactions are entered manually. Moreover, when the button "Create" is pressed in the "Create an Accounting Transaction", the "Description" of the transaction is no more automatically copied in the "Description" field of the form "Add Transaction Entry". The reason is that repeating by default the transaction's description in every entry is redundant and not very useful. Entries' "Description" should be used to insert additional information.


        1. accounting.patch
          14 kB
          Anahita Goljahani

        Issue Links



              jacopoc Jacopo Cappellato
              golja Anahita Goljahani
              1 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

