Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Release Branch 11.04, Release Branch 12.04
Any field in a form that uses the <lookup target-form-name="WhateverForm"/> would not return results when searching in Arabic. I suspect the main offender is javascript/jQuery when parsing user input.
For example, if I go to https://localhost:8443/ordermgr/control/findorders and click on "Party ID", and search the firstname or lastname in arabic, no values are returned and the value in the search box changes from arabic to some weird encoding ( e.g. "حسن" becomes Øس٠)
Also, after some investigation, I came to the realization that this only happens when the lookup field has presentation="layer", if however, the presentation="window" then it works normally which leads me to conclude definitely that this is javascript/jQuery issue of parsing input data. More specifically, this is javascript not processing with the correct encoding (unicode in this case). I know this because if I paste the unicode representation directly to the input box then it searches correctly