see the message in context:
1. While creating an organization, it is possible to specify a meaningful party id through ofbiz setup.
2. But, it is NOT possible to specify the party id through GUI while creating a Party (Person or Party Group). this means, all the parties created get a sequence id for party id.
Bilgin Ibryam's replay is posted below.
The PK field in party creation service is validated for special
characters and so on. So the user is actually allowed to try with
random text.
I think this field is simply missing in the UI. That's why you are not
"allowed" to enter the id.
In addition to this, ofbiz display Ids in most of the forms ( and all
the lookup fields). So it is very important to allow users to enter
meaningful Ids, especially for data that it used for long period like
partyId, facailityId, fixedAssetId, agreementId... So create forms
should have an optional Id field (partyId, facilityId...) with a label
saying that if an Id is not specified, the system will generate one.