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  1. OFBiz
  2. OFBIZ-3169

Implementation of Budget functionality.


    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Implemented
    • Release Branch 13.07, (6)
      Release Branch 14.12, Release Branch 15.12, Release Branch 16.11, Release Branch 18.12, Release Branch 17.12, Trunk
    • None
    • accounting
    • Bug Crush Event - 21/2/2015


      This is regarding Budget functionality implementation in OFBiz. I have found that enitities related to budget functionality are present in OFbiz but I
      was not able to find the functional implementation for the same. So I needed to confirm is this functionality implemented or not.
      In case it is not I am interested in implementing the same in OFbiz. I have found a general flow of the budget process and i am mentioning the steps in this mail. So please go throurgh the steps and you are requested to give in your comments regarding the same.

      1. Request for the budget is generated by the Deptartment.
      2. Budget request is submitted to board of directors/higher officials for approval.
      3. Budget request is either approved or rejected.
      4. If the budget is approved it is created as annual budget(Total cost in the budget is alloted to Department).
      5. Now item wise budget is allocated to different items by Department Head.
      6. Profits achieved can be calculated on the basis of fiscal years for a budget by compairing the proposed budget and the actual budget.
      7. All the data regarding the budgets created are maintained.

      Waiting for your comments.



          ashish.tiwari ashish tiwari added a comment -

          Hi all,

          I have not received any comment regarding the implementation of budget functioanlity.
          This is to inform you all that I have started the implementation of the budget functionality.

          ashish.tiwari ashish tiwari added a comment - Hi all, I have not received any comment regarding the implementation of budget functioanlity. This is to inform you all that I have started the implementation of the budget functionality.
          sharan Sharan Foga added a comment -

          Hi Ashish

          Your high level process sounds OK but just be careful that your implementation isnt too rigid. What I mean here is that a department head could be for example an IT Manager who applies for and gets a budget but then the IT Manager has people that work for him (eg an Infrastructure Manager and a Development Manager) that also need to apply for and manage their budgets.

          So you need to be aware that the budgets could be hierarchical and need to roll up into a higher level budget allocation.

          Another way to look at it is rather than calling them a department head - I've heard the term 'Cost Centre Manager' used in relation to budgets because from an accounting perspective they need to manage their budget and costs allocated to their cost centre. Also a cost centre manager may be responsible for several cost centres. It could make it more flexible rather than referring to a department head since a person maybe responsible for a budget but may not be responsible for a department.


          sharan Sharan Foga added a comment - Hi Ashish Your high level process sounds OK but just be careful that your implementation isnt too rigid. What I mean here is that a department head could be for example an IT Manager who applies for and gets a budget but then the IT Manager has people that work for him (eg an Infrastructure Manager and a Development Manager) that also need to apply for and manage their budgets. So you need to be aware that the budgets could be hierarchical and need to roll up into a higher level budget allocation. Another way to look at it is rather than calling them a department head - I've heard the term 'Cost Centre Manager' used in relation to budgets because from an accounting perspective they need to manage their budget and costs allocated to their cost centre. Also a cost centre manager may be responsible for several cost centres. It could make it more flexible rather than referring to a department head since a person maybe responsible for a budget but may not be responsible for a department. Thanks Sharan
          hansbak Hans Bakker added a comment -


          excellent you starting this new feature and it would be very nice to have it in here....but please?

          Use forms only?

          Ftl's do not belong in an administrative backend application even if it gives a little advantage with some Ajax functions. Better enhance the forms that they can accommodate it....


          hansbak Hans Bakker added a comment - Asish, excellent you starting this new feature and it would be very nice to have it in here....but please? Use forms only? Ftl's do not belong in an administrative backend application even if it gives a little advantage with some Ajax functions. Better enhance the forms that they can accommodate it.... Regards, Hans
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -

          Hi Asish,

          More often than not it is the personell of the accounting departments who enter approved budgets in the accounting system. Be aware of this.

          In general budgetting is process of filling out spreadsheets by profit and cost center managers, send the sheets to the accounting department where they are consolidated for overview and controlling purposes. If these are approved then the department managers are informed and accounting staff enter the numbers in the accounting system.

          If a budget proposal is rejected by higher management, then the department manager has to adjust his numbers and submit these again.



          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Hi Asish, More often than not it is the personell of the accounting departments who enter approved budgets in the accounting system. Be aware of this. In general budgetting is process of filling out spreadsheets by profit and cost center managers, send the sheets to the accounting department where they are consolidated for overview and controlling purposes. If these are approved then the department managers are informed and accounting staff enter the numbers in the accounting system. If a budget proposal is rejected by higher management, then the department manager has to adjust his numbers and submit these again. Regards, Pierre
          bjfreeman BJ Freeman added a comment -

          What is the progress on this?

          bjfreeman BJ Freeman added a comment - What is the progress on this?
          bjfreeman BJ Freeman added a comment -

          EmplPosition rel EMPL_POS_BGTITM
          is uses to Authorize the position when the BudgetStatus for the Budget is set to approved.
          This is done with a BudgetType =OPERATING_BUDGET
          Though the Logic for this is in HR, the logic for the when the Budget is approved an ECA is triggered that would Call the HR logic.

          bjfreeman BJ Freeman added a comment - EmplPosition rel EMPL_POS_BGTITM is uses to Authorize the position when the BudgetStatus for the Budget is set to approved. This is done with a BudgetType =OPERATING_BUDGET Though the Logic for this is in HR, the logic for the when the Budget is approved an ECA is triggered that would Call the HR logic.
          ofbiz_chandra chandra added a comment -

          Any update/progress on Budget functionality implementation??

          ofbiz_chandra chandra added a comment - Any update/progress on Budget functionality implementation??
          simonmaskell simon maskell added a comment -

          Was a patch ever attached to this new feature? The status says patch available but I cant see one anywhere.

          simonmaskell simon maskell added a comment - Was a patch ever attached to this new feature? The status says patch available but I cant see one anywhere.
          adrianc@hlmksw.com Adrian Crum added a comment -

          The Activity log says no. Someone changed the status to Patch Available, but a patch was never uploaded.

          adrianc@hlmksw.com Adrian Crum added a comment - The Activity log says no. Someone changed the status to Patch Available, but a patch was never uploaded.
          simonmaskell simon maskell added a comment -

          Thanks for the reply Adrian, I guess I will be starting this one from nothing.

          I will let the community know once I have something that I think will be of benefit

          simonmaskell simon maskell added a comment - Thanks for the reply Adrian, I guess I will be starting this one from nothing. I will let the community know once I have something that I think will be of benefit
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -

          Recently with revisions http://svn.apache.org/r1574400 and http://svn.apache.org/r1573884 code was added to trunk regarding budgetting.

          Unfortunately, the added code seem to come out of the blue without association to this issue.

          I will try review this added functionality and report back via the dev mailing list.



          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Recently with revisions http://svn.apache.org/r1574400 and http://svn.apache.org/r1573884 code was added to trunk regarding budgetting. Unfortunately, the added code seem to come out of the blue without association to this issue. I will try review this added functionality and report back via the dev mailing list. Regards, Pierre
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -

          Hi All,

          I have posted a review in the dev mailing list.

          Via nabble it can be found here: http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/Review-of-Accounting-Budget-functionality-via-r1573884-amp-r1574400-td4651613.html



          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Hi All, I have posted a review in the dev mailing list. Via nabble it can be found here: http://ofbiz.135035.n4.nabble.com/Review-of-Accounting-Budget-functionality-via-r1573884-amp-r1574400-td4651613.html Regards, Pierre
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -


          Shouldn't this be set to implemented and closed?



          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Jacopo, Shouldn't this be set to implemented and closed? Regards, Pierre

          I recently added these comments onthe nabble forum, but maybe better placed on here?

          I am looking at the accounting functionality as there is a proposal to use ofbiz in our overseas subsidiaries including the accounting elements.

          It is apparent that it is possible to enter accounting transactions with the various GL fiscal types to enter budgets and forecasts in Ofbiz accounting. However the OOTB accounting transactions do not allow for accounting tags to allocate budgets to specific areas of the business. Although, for us this would be a simple modification to incorporate the tags we already use and store against accounting transactions entities.

          I have also seen the budget entity tables, again these could be adapted to capture the accounting tag detail that would be required to set budgets against specific areas of the business and gl accounts. But these appear to have no link to entering budgets via the GL fiscal type method or the subsequent reporting.

          In addition, there is the approval process that I believe Hans introduced, but this does not provide the functionality that would be required to setup a revenue/operational budget.

          I have been in contact directly with Sharan to get her view on how budgets are supposed to be handled by Ofbiz.

          For me, it seems the gl fiscal type and creating accounting transactions is the simplest method of setting revenue/operational budgets and forecasts.

          David Hughes-Owens David Hughes-Owens added a comment - I recently added these comments onthe nabble forum, but maybe better placed on here? I am looking at the accounting functionality as there is a proposal to use ofbiz in our overseas subsidiaries including the accounting elements. It is apparent that it is possible to enter accounting transactions with the various GL fiscal types to enter budgets and forecasts in Ofbiz accounting. However the OOTB accounting transactions do not allow for accounting tags to allocate budgets to specific areas of the business. Although, for us this would be a simple modification to incorporate the tags we already use and store against accounting transactions entities. I have also seen the budget entity tables, again these could be adapted to capture the accounting tag detail that would be required to set budgets against specific areas of the business and gl accounts. But these appear to have no link to entering budgets via the GL fiscal type method or the subsequent reporting. In addition, there is the approval process that I believe Hans introduced, but this does not provide the functionality that would be required to setup a revenue/operational budget. I have been in contact directly with Sharan to get her view on how budgets are supposed to be handled by Ofbiz. For me, it seems the gl fiscal type and creating accounting transactions is the simplest method of setting revenue/operational budgets and forecasts.
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -

          Nabble is not a good entry point for initiating discussions. Not all read the Nabble threads.

          Can you produce a patch for evaluation?

          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Nabble is not a good entry point for initiating discussions. Not all read the Nabble threads. Can you produce a patch for evaluation?
          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment -

          Not assigning a Fix Version, as such info is missing in the ticket.

          pierresmits Pierre Smits added a comment - Not assigning a Fix Version, as such info is missing in the ticket.


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            ashish.tiwari ashish tiwari
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