
    • Sub-task
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Trunk, Upcoming Branch
    • None
    • marketing
    • None
    • Bug Crush Event - 21/2/2015


      Lead should be treated as combination of both Person & PartyGroup. (Related by PartyRelationship). Lead can be directly converted to Accounts & Contacts. This can be done either Duplicating the existing record or by adding "Account" & "Contact" role in the "PartyRole" entity.

      Left Navigation Section : There will be following link / section present in left side.There will be two block in the left section similar to catalog.
      1) Shortcuts
      2) Quick Add Lead

      Shorcuts block contains following link :

      • Create Lead - Exists, modification required.
      • Create Lead from vCard - Exists.
      • Find Lead - Exists, Modification required.

      Quick Add Lead block will be used as it is.

      Right side will be the content area (body section).

      Implementation Details :

      1) Modification in Create Lead :

      a) Add Few more fields.The sequence of the fields will be (R - Required) :
      Fields from Person Entity : First Name (R), Last Name (R), Gender, Birth Date, Social Security Number, Occupation.
      Fields from Party Group Entity : Group Name(R) (Use "Company Name") , Office Site Name (Use "Website" on GUI), Annual Revenue, Number of Employees, Ticker Symbol.
      Remove the fields from Existing form : Suffix, Title.
      Lets do one more thing here. Provide Check Box titled "Existing Company Name" (Default Unchecked) and provide all the fields from the Party Group as it is. And if user select that check box then use the existing Party Group record. Provide the Party Group lookup to search the existing group.

      b) Modify the Lead Source Field :
      Create few records in Data Source Entity by type "LEAD_SOURCE" (or something similar) and use them here in combo box instead of existing text field. The IDs for the record can be Cold Call, Existing Customer, Self Generated, Employee, Partner, Public Relations, Direct Mail, Conference, Trade Show, Web Site, Word of Mouth, Email, Campaign, Other etc. Handling of this field in Service Implementation should be improved accordingly.

      c) Modification in General Correspondence address : Remove the field Address Field 2 from the form. Instead of this use Separate Block to have "Other Correspondence Address" block and provide all the fields there. (Similar thing that we do in Ecommerce application for Billing & Shipping Address).

      d) Inside "Quick Add Lead" block make the "Group Name" field as the required one.

      2) Modification in Find Lead Screen :

      a) For now search is happening on the basis of partyTypeId = "PERSON". But we should improve this search. In the modified version the search will be based on either partyTypeId="PARTY_GROUP" or partyTypeId ="PERSON". And all the records will be returned that will have roleTypeId = "LEAD" (Applies on Party record when we create lead) or "ACCOUNT_LEAD" (Applies on Party_Group record when we create lead).We can also provide constraint to check PartyRelationShip record to join "ACCOUNT_LEAD" (Party_Group) with "LEAD" and then return the result accordingly.

      b) The search result form will contain one more field titled "Email Address"

      3) Modification on Summary Section :

      a) If you are looking record of partyTypeId ="Person" then associated Party_Group will be shown with that.
      b) But if you are looking record for partyTypeId ="Party_Group" then associated party record will be shown below in tabular form and we should provide option to update each record.
      c) The list of all the Work Efforts(Activities/ Event & Tasks) associated with the Party.Provide option to associate the existing work effort record with the party. Create/Update & Delete form.

      4) Merge Leads functionality is broken. Please check it and fix it.

      Rest of the functionality should be tested.


        1. SfaLeadImprovements.patch
          31 kB
          Parimal Gain



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            toashishvijay Ashish Vijaywargiya
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