Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Upcoming Branch, 22.01.01
When you define a display-entity you have the possibility to add a sub-hyperlink related to the element displayed.
<field name="partyIdFrom"> <display-entity entity-name="PartyNameView" key-field-name="partyId" description="${groupName}${firstName} ${lastName}"> <sub-hyperlink target="viewprofile" description="view">...</sub-hyperlink> </display-entity> <field>
This display the party name with a link "view" connected.
When you use the name a as link without a dedicate sub link, you need to change all the form to resolve the information to display for creating an hyperlink
<row-actions> <entity-one entity-name="PartyNameView" value-field="partyName"> <field-map field-name="partyId" from-field="partyIdFrom"/> </entity-one> <set field="partyNameValue" value=" ${partyName.groupName}${partyName.firstName} ${partyName.lastName}"/> </row-actions> <field name="partyIdFrom"> <hyperlink target="viewprofile" description="${partyNameValue}">..</hyperlink> </field>
We lost the advantage of the display-entity. We can suggest to improve display-entity with the rule :
If the display-entity has a subhyperlink and the subhyperlink haven't description, the description of the link is the display-entity description.
In the code, if a sub-hyperlink has an empty description, we convert the display entity as a hyperlink