Currently on OFBiz we implemented a process to define some different screen and menu that can be implemented by the theming
But for the form we have nothing. All style are hard coded on each
<grid name="ListEntities" ... odd-row-style="alternate-row" default-table-style="basic-table hover-bar">
I propose to extend the theming implementation principle to forms element.
To start low, I define seven form tempates :
- grid CommonSimpleGrid
- grid CommonBasicGrid
- form CommonSimpleList
- form CommonBasicList
- form CommonInLineEditList
- form CommonSimpleSingle
- form CommonBasicSingle
We can use its like :
<form name="LayoutDemoList" extends="CommonBasicList" extends-resource="component://common/widget/CommonForms.xml"
The main difficulty raise to this task was propage the visualTheme during the ModelForm intanciation, because we need to load wiget style (and some other information wanted on the template) on model load in memory.
With the linked patch I improved form present on screen
Finally with this we can extend style form (pagination, header, line and so on ...) direclty by your theme without change the framework