When you use a date-find element on form, the defaut option are in code like to greater_than and less _than
public DateFindField(int fieldSource, String type) { super(fieldSource, type); this.defaultOptionFrom = "greaterThanEqualTo"; this.defaultOptionThru = "lessThanEqualTo"; }
but on macro
<#macro renderDateFindField ... <option value="greaterThan"<#if defaultOptionFrom=="greaterThan"> selected="selected"</#if>>${opGreaterThan}</option><#rt/> ... <option value="opLessThan"<#if defaultOptionThru=="opLessThan"> selected="selected"</#if>>${opLessThan}</option><#rt/> ...
So the value java isn't correct with ftl values and default value never used.