Currently the journal log has entries like below. At times while debugging crash or some issue we need to determine the probable root state at some point in the past.
3dea11bb-bd43-4319-a37d-59df778a7271:260988 root a7a509ac-a9d4-4e2c-a0d8-df71ebe123a0:259736 root 1d889da9-b41c-4889-a0cd-a9aa9dcc1737:259992 root b78e4aa6-ec68-4e70-a364-f04ccbf4c3b3:259964 root
Currently there is no way to determine from above log what is the root state wrt time. So we need to workaround that by reading each root state and look for some path which has some time related property. To simplify such case it would be helpful to also include timestamp while adding a journal entry
1d889da9-b41c-4889-a0cd-a9aa9dcc1737:259992 root 1457408708772 b78e4aa6-ec68-4e70-a364-f04ccbf4c3b3:259964 root 1457408708899
Key points
- Timestamp comes at end
- Such a feature can be enabled without affecting backward compatibility - Just that new entries would have timestamp included
- JournalReader - Just reads the first column so would work as is