I'm looking at SQL2PathEscapingTest#testGetChildrenApiDirect - one of 2 failing tests imported from the Jackrabbit query test suite.
The query that doesn't work looks like
select [selector].* from [{}base] AS [selector]
where ISCHILDNODE([selector], [/testroot/a b])
This query is build using the QueryObjectModelFactory but then it gets transformed to its sql2 query equivalent string and then parsed back in again, so the SQL2Parser in oak gets confused and the path /testroot/a b gets mangled into /testroot/ab.
I see one of 2 issues as the coulprit
- the path is not quoted, maybe that is why the SQL2Parser can't extract it properly. In this case who should handle quoting?
or - the SQL2Parser should be able to extract the path properly, it is surrounded by [] tokens anyway.