At time to analyse a issue with DocumentNodeStore running on Mongo we need a dump of various documents so as to recreate the scenario locally. In most case if issue is being observed for a specific path like /a/b then its sufficient to get Mongo documents for /, /a, /a/b and all the split documents for those paths.
It would be useful to have a function in oak-mongo which generates the required export command. For e.g. for path like /a/b following export command would dump all required info
mongoexport -h <mongo server> --port 27017 --db <db name> --collection nodes --out all-required-nodes.json --query '{$or:[{_id : /^4:p\/a\/b\//},{_id : /^3:p\/a\//},{_id : /^2:p\//},{_id:{$in:["2:/a/b","1:/a","0:/"]}}]}'