Oak Lucene has some support for working with multiple Lucene directories. Currently Oak uses a single Lucene directory to store the full text index. It would be worthwhile to investigate if we can use a separate Lucene index to store specific properties only and use it to perform property related queries.
- A separate Lucene directory would be used to store explicitly configured list of properties
- The properties would be stored with there type
- JCR Long - long
- JCR Double - double
- JCR Date - long - The data value can be stored in long but with lesser precision say upto second or even minutes
- The values would stored "as is" i.e. without tokenization
Possible benefits of such an index would be (ofcourse need be validated!)
- Compact storage - Less memory would be used to store the index
- Native support for Order By
- Improved performance for like query - Specifically 'foo%', '%foo'
Usage documentation avialable at