Tika 0.8 comes with the Boilerpipe content handler which can be used to extract boilerplate content from HTML pages. We should see how we can expose Boilerplate in the Nutch cofiguration.
Use the following properties to enable and control Boilerpipe.
<property> <name>tika.extractor</name> <value>none</value> <description> Which text extraction algorithm to use. Valid values are: boilerpipe or none. </description> </property> <property> <name>tika.extractor.boilerpipe.algorithm</name> <value>ArticleExtractor</value> <description> Which Boilerpipe algorithm to use. Valid values are: DefaultExtractor, ArticleExtractor or CanolaExtractor. </description> </property>
Issue Links
- relates to
NUTCH-1375 extract main content of a html file
- Closed
NUTCH-1233 Rely on Tika for outlink extraction
- Closed