From the log below there is obviously something not right here as both -resume and -force are passed to the CLI but blatantly ignored within the log output.
lewis@lewis:~/ASF/nutchgora/runtime/local$ ./bin/nutch parse
Usage: ParserJob (<batchId> | -all) [-crawlId <id>] [-resume] [-force]
<batchId> - symbolic batch ID created by Generator
-crawlId <id> - the id to prefix the schemas to operate on,
-all - consider pages from all crawl jobs
-resume - resume a previous incomplete job
-force - force re-parsing even if a page is already parsed
lewis@lewis:~/ASF/nutchgora/runtime/local$ ./bin/nutch parse -all -resume -force
ParserJob: starting
ParserJob: resuming: false
ParserJob: forced reparse: false
ParserJob: parsing all
ParserJob: success