New Feature
Status: Resolved
Resolution: Duplicate
Typically when a user builds a flow, the user must choose a JSON Reader, CSV Reader, JSON Writer, CSV Writer, etc. whatever makes sense for their use case.
The downside to this approach is that it makes it difficult to build a flow is more generically distributable.
We should create a RecordReaderLookup service and a RecordWriterLookup service. Each would have a single well-known property for the name of the Record Reader/Writer service to use. User-defined properties would then be used to define those Record Readers/Writers.
For example, one might configure RecordReaderLookup as such:
Selected Reader: #{DataFOrmat} csv: CSVReader json: JsonTreeReader avro: AvroReader
In this case, CSVReader, JsonTreeReader, and AvroReader are other Record Reader Controller Services. Now, a parameter can be defined with the name DataFormat. If that parameter has a value of csv, the CSVReader would be used. If the parameter has a value of json, the JsonTreeReader would be used, and so forth.
Same principle would be followed for the Record Writer.
Issue Links
- duplicates
NIFI-5829 Create Lookup Controller Services for RecordSetWriter and RecordReader
- Resolved