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  1. Apache NiFi
  2. NIFI-8575

RPG port discovery should use name only (not UUID)



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 0.1.0
    • None
    • MiNiFi
    • None


      Consider the following snippet below. My understanding, based on prior discussions, was that MiNiFi uses component and connection IDs only internally to wire everything together. My logic then was to rename the RPG connection ID and update relevant config sections.

      The problem is that MiNiFi properly instantiates the flow, but fails to find the RPG port: failed to communicate with http://example.com/nifi because the remote instance indicates that the port no longer exists. This is not true (port is there and the name is valid). However, as soon as I copy/pasted the incoming port ID from the cluster into minifi flow and updated it, things starting flow correctly.

      It will be a problem when minfii configs are moved from env to env or promoted within SDLC, as RPG ports will have different UUIDs every time.

      Proposal: have MiNiFi negotiate based on the port name only, and use connection id internally only.

      - name: Priority and latest first
        id: 9d5791a0-f924-4269-be8f-25c54eb6ddca
        source id: a1aa3387-a7f9-40bc-9d09-8af889e0fdde
        source relationship names:
        - success
        destination id: remote-nifi-instance
        max work queue size: 10000
        max work queue data size: 1 GB
        flowfile expiration: 0 sec
        queue prioritizer class: org.apache.nifi.prioritizer.PriorityAttributePrioritizer
      Remote Processing Groups:
      - name: http://example.com:9090/nifi
        url: http://example.com:9090/nifi
        comment: ''
        timeout: 30 sec
        yield period: 10 sec
        Input Ports:
        - name: incoming syslogs
          id: remote-nifi-instance
          comment: ''
          max concurrent tasks: 1
          use compression: true




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            aperepel Andrew Grande
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