Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
I have constructed a simple pipeline that reads a Windows EVTX binary file, runs it through ParseEvtx, and writes out the result (template attached). As a sample I fed it a 192MiB file and it only output 3.3MiB (see screenshot). The output file contains 3071 events. Not coincidentally, I am sure, 192MiB/64KiB = 3072, which would indicate that it only wrote out one event from each chunk. If I configure the processor to output by the chunk or event I get 3071 separate files with one event each. Unfortunately, I have no way to sanitize binary EVTX so I cannot provide the actual file used.
By way of comparison, I ran the same EVTX file through from the python-evtx package (which I understand ParseEvtx was based on) and it produced 395,757 events – on par with what I would expect. It also took much longer than NiFi – like 30 minutes versus a few seconds – which I also expect is consistent with processing the entire file.