Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
11.0, 12.3, 12.4
Windows 10
NetBeans 11 using Java 12 (tried with 8 also)
I'm not able to start the NetBeans Profiler for Maven projects.
- Create a new Maven Java Application using the IDE.
- Using the IDE add a new JFrame file (it contains a main method that simply opens the a new JFrame).
- Right-click the new project and select Profile.
- This opens a Profiler tab. Do the calibration, then press the Profile button at the top of the tab. A Progress popup appears thatgets stuck on the message "Connecting to the target VM...". The Output tab shows a message: "The syntax of the command is incorrect.".
Error (in Output tab):
cd C:\_Code\TEMP_CODE\mavenproject1; "JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-12" M2_HOME=C:\\_Code\\_TOOLS\\apache-maven-3.6.0 cmd /c "\"\"C:\\_Code\\_TOOLS\\apache-maven-3.6.0\\bin\\mvn.cmd\" -Dexec.args=\"-agentpath:\\\"C:/_Code/_TOOLS/netbeans 11.0/profiler/lib/deployed/jdk16/windows-amd64/profilerinterface.dll\\\"=\\\"C:\\_Code\\_TOOLS\\netbeans 11.0\\profiler\\lib\\\",5140,10 -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=C:\\Users\\Henry\\AppData\\Local\\NetBeans\\Cache\\11.0\\mavencachedirs\\645799279\\org-netbeans-modules-profiler -classpath %classpath com.mycompany.mavenproject1.NewJFrame\" -Dexec.executable=\"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-12\\bin\\java.exe\" -Dmaven.ext.class.path=\"C:\\_Code\\_TOOLS\\netbeans 11.0\\java\\maven-nblib\\netbeans-eventspy.jar\" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 process-classes org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.5.0:exec\"" The syntax of the command is incorrect.
Issue Links
- is related to
NETBEANS-245 Profiler fails to launch when using Maven 3.5.x
- Closed
- relates to
NETBEANS-5732 Profiler not working with Maven Project when installed in path-with-spaces
- Resolved
NETBEANS-3254 Remove requirement for allowAmbiguousCommands in Maven support
- Closed
- links to
(1 links to)