New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Customs.json brings good and easy solution to add custom tags and attributes, which will appear inside of the code completion of the HTML editor (I guess). Unfortunately, it is only possible to have one customs.json per project. So sure you can have a big customs.json file for adding ionic tags/attributes, knockout attribues, polymer tags/attributes, vue attributes and so on to it, but you can't figure out easily which tags/attributes are for which language.
So it would be better to have smth like this:
{ "ionic": { "icon": "image-needed-for-code-completion-list", "elements": { // Whatever is supported here! }, "attributes": { // Whatever is supported here! } }, "polymer": { "icon": "image-needed-for-code-completion-list", "elements": { // Whatever is supported here! }, "attributes": { // Whatever is supported here! } } }
As you can see, now you can fold the nodes and you can see that I use ionic and polymer and inside the elements and attributes. The icon is another great thing, because as you know for angular or knockout, it shows it infront of the line of the choosen element/attribute inside the code completion. So this will makes it very easy, adding new framework specific code completion for elements and attributes to the HTML editor.
When there is no icon set, no icon should be there or the purple bracets. If you want to add your custom tag or attribute right from the editor, what you can do, it should be added to a "custom" root node, because you don't know the name of the framework, if there is nothing.
The name of the root node, like the framework, should, if possible, also appear inside the code completion, but this is only a nice to have, the icon should be enough.