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  1. NetBeans
  2. NETBEANS-1779

Performance monitor for plugins/modules



    • New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Next
    • None
    • ide - Performance
    • None


      This idea comes from Visual Studio 15. They created a performance monitor for plugins and they can show you some information for example if the plugin slows down the startup, it shows you that you better should deactivate it. But this information is not enough, we need a metric why or what is the plugin doing on startup or installation or registration to inspect what causes the problems and when we identify the problems, we can make the plugins better. See here the article https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2016/10/10/faster-visual-studio-15-startup/ about "Monitoring extension and tool window performance"

      So this will be a very very handy enhancement to identify IDE module problems and 3rd-party-plugin problems. I mean of course you can have a look into the IDE log but this is more for advanced users.

      An other example is that deactivated plugins will still scanned, because they are still in the extension folder. That scanning takes time ~ms but if you some them, we are at seconds. I created this ticket for this behaviour: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1412.

      If I am correct, that can be prevented but this is not part of the ticket. But if we have such a performance monitor like where you can see the starting plugins (3rd party plugins or core modules) I could identify that problem, because I know that those plugins where deactivated and shouldn't scanned at all.






            Unassigned Unassigned
            chrizzly Christian Lenz
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