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  1. NetBeans
  2. NETBEANS-1540

Declare as direct dependency should be default for transitive dependencies



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Next
    • None
    • projects - Maven
    • None


      Here is a dummy code of an action from a maven based NetBeans module: https://pastebin.com/bh2HmtB5. As you can see, i use FileObject. First I get the warning inside of the Java editor:

      Package from transitive module dependency referenced, declare a direct dependency to fix.

      When I try to build the project I got this error:

      [INFO] NBM Plugin generates manifest
      [ERROR] Project uses classes from transitive module org.netbeans.api:org-openide-filesystems:jar:RELEASE82 which will not be accessible at runtime.
      [INFO]     To fix the problem, add this module as direct dependency. For OSGi bundles that are supposed to be wrapped in NetBeans modules, use the useOSGiDependencies=false parameter

      Yes I already know how to fix this, but if this is an error, right after I created a maven based netbeans module and I have to fix it by my own, because of the transitive dependency, why is it not default a direct dependency? I mean I have to fix it anyway? Is there a real reason, where it is possible that it stays as a transitive dependency?

      Due to that this is a must have to fix it manually, to trigger the build, IMHO it is a have to, to make it default, to not getting errors, when I add this dependency.






            Unassigned Unassigned
            chrizzly Christian Lenz
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