Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
8.2, 9.0, 10.0
Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 (Build incubator-netbeans-release-334-on-20180708)
Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2
Java: 1.8.0_192; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.192-b12
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_192-b12
System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_GB (nb), Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; UTF-8; en_US (nb)ShowProduct Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 (Build incubator-netbeans-release-334-on-20180708) Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2 Java: 1.8.0_192; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.192-b12 Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_192-b12 System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_GB (nb), Windows 10 version 10.0 running on amd64; UTF-8; en_US (nb)
When trying to access any file dialog, I get the message:
Windows cannot find the target.
Clicking OK repeats the message several times, until it finally clears.
Plus, in the log I have:
WARNING [org.netbeans.modules.progress.spi.InternalHandle]: Cannot switch to silent mode when not running at org.netbeans.core.ui.warmup.MenuWarmUpTask$NbWindowsAdapter$
(repeated several times again)
It seems to be the file browsing dialog box that's the problem, as it arises on all those I've tested so far:
File - Open Project
File - Open File
File - Save As
File - Import Project - From Zip - Browse
Tools - Options - Java - Ant - Browse
I tried deactivating all plugins but the error still occurred, so it looks like it's a netbeans issue, not 3rd party. (In fact, all I achieved was the complete loss of my plugins as I don't seem to be able to reactivate them now!)
The other factor to be aware of is that there are a number of shortcuts on my desktop which are currently invalid. I wonder if there is some checking going on within the dialog to see where those shortcuts go, but it's creating the error I'm seeing? In which case, the checking needs to be done silently - after all, invalid shortcuts aren't unusual, especially when working offline. Besides, the error comes up (5-6 times) not just when the "Open file" dialog comes up, but 2-3 times every time I change directory within that dialog!
- NetBeans64_debug.TXT
- 327 kB
- Jeff Ferrick
Thanks... I can reproduce it on this machine every time I click on the menu items I listed If I could reproduce it on another machine I'd be well on the way to finding a fix!
Also, it's being generated from within Netbeans, since no other application I used on this machine comes up with such an error when trying to open a dialog box.
Where might I be able to find a stacktrace for you? I don't know where Netbeans puts its logfiles, and no error appears in the console.
Thanks again!
I have exactly the same problem, occuring all the time wheneever I want to open a project....
That's great! Well, I mean, not really, at least, not for you, but at least it means it's not a peculiarity of the way I've got things set up
It does mean we can start to narrow down the possibilities... do you have any "dead" shortcuts on your desktop - temporary or otherwise? do you have admin rights to your machine? are you behind a firewall? what version of Windows are you running?
For me, the answers are yes (since our IT department use "appsense" which is fairly rubbish), no, yes (but I have the proxy settings set up), Windows 7.
<<<The other factor to be aware of is that there are a number of shortcuts
on my desktop which are currently invalid. I wonder if there is some
checking going on within the dialog to see where those shortcuts go, but
it's creating the error I'm seeing? In <<<which case, the checking needs to
be done silently - after all, invalid shortcuts aren't unusual, especially
when working offline. Besides, the error comes up (5-6 times) not just when
the "Open file" dialog comes up, but 2-3 times every time I change
<<<directory within that dialog!
Yes it is exactly what I observe as well!!!
<<<It does mean we can start to narrow down the possibilities... do you
have any "dead" shortcuts on your desktop - temporary or otherwise?
I dead think so since I just cleaned them and I don't see how this could be
<<<<do you have admin rights to your machine?
Yes it is my home computer
<<<<are you behind a firewall?
yes Bitdefender 2018 internet security
<<<<what version of Windows are you running?
Product Version = Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 (Build
Operating System = Windows 10 pro version 10.0 running on amd64
Java; VM; Vendor = 1.8.0_191 Runtime = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server
VM 25.191-b12
I would say that it has to do with 64 bit and the versions of Java and
Netbeans. I would prefer if Netbeans 9 works with Java 11 as well.
It was even worse witjh Java 11, but in part similar.
Does this help you?
Thomas Willms
Am Fr., 14. Dez. 2018 um 13:20 Uhr schrieb D Burbridge (JIRA) <
OK, it's not (just) to do with dead shortcuts then. I've qualified that since, the first time I go to open a file in Netbeans after a computer restart, I get a messages about "shortcut xxx doesn't exist, do you want to delete it?" This is in relation to a couple of things I've uninstalled, nothing at all to do with Netbeans (I think appsense is putting the shortcuts back at each reboot - it's notorious for getting tied in knots).
Anyway, when the shortcuts are there, Netbeans gives me messages about them, twice for each one, then it goes into the "Windows cannot find the target" messages - 12 of them in fact, I've counted. Finally, I get to the actual Open File dialog and I can select a file. However, if I changed folders, I get the "Windows cannot find the target" message three more times in a row, each time I change folder.
Once the shortcuts are gone, I don't get the "do you want to delete the shortcut" messages any more (at least, until I next reboot), but I still get all the other "Windows cannot find the target" messages.
I'm running:
Product Version: Apache NetBeans IDE 9.0 (Build incubator-netbeans-release-334-on-20180708)
Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.2 Patch 2
Java: 1.8.0_192; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.192-b12
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_192-b12
System: Windows 7 version 6.1 running on amd64; Cp1252; en_GB (nb)
So very similar, except you've got Windows 10.
I have had Netbeans 9 running on Java 11, though not at present as I'm working on some Java 8 code. I don't recall whether I had the same issue then, and I can't check right now.
I want to add a remark: I have not AMD64 but
Intel(R)Core(TM) i7-5820K. 3.3 GHz
x64 based Prozessor
Another piece of information - I tried it outside the firewall yesterday, and had exactly the same behaviour. This would appear to rule out the behaviour being any effect of the firewall.
I have the same issue with version 10.0 too.
The number of times that the warning occurs varies from 3 to 13 depending upon the specific folder I try to navigate to.
I ran netbeans64.exe inside windbg and got the following results : NetBeans64_debug.TXT
I am new to using windbg but compared to other applications I used windbg on, Netbeans seems to generate a massive number of error messages.
Starting at line# 5492 is the point where I tried to use the "Open File" menu option in Netbeans.
OK, some more information.
Whilst exploring a completely different issue with my laptop, I found a couple of broken shortcuts in \\<servername>\<path>\<myuserarea>\AppSenseData\DesktopIcons
Coincidentally, they were for googleearth.exe and SmartDraw.exe, both of which were things I've installed in the past, then uninstalled/deleted (digression: GE at least I just had to delete as admin restrictions meant I couldn't uninstall it, which was probably why the broken shortcut remains. I may have done the same with SmartDraw, I can't remember, it was ages ago now).
Coincidentally too, they are both things which come up in the first few warnings from NetBeans: "Problem with Shortcut The item 'googleearth.exe' that this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shortcut will no longer work properly. Do you want to delete this shortcut?"
Clicking Yes means this particular warning goes away for the current session, but as soon as I reboot it comes back (thanks to AppSense being completely rubbish, but that's another story).
The thing is, I do not get this sort of warning from any other application when trying to open a file, so it must be something NetBeans is doing when looking for files/projects. Additionally, since the broken shortcuts are in a completely different directory to where the dialog actually ends up showing me (typically something like c:\<path to my development area>\<path to one of my projects>), it seems that NetBeans is trying to look in all sorts of other places where it doesn't need to?
Recommend that you remove the userdirs:
Thanks Geertjan.
I can try that. However, I think it unlikely that it would solve the issue. Remember, I had it with NetBeans9. Then a couple of weeks ago I got NetBeans10, installed to a new location, and I run it with a different userdir to the NetBeans9 one. Thus, I started with a completely blank sheet of paper, and still got the error.
Wouldn't that mean that I would lose all my custom settings as well? (Yes, I had to spend time going through setting 10 up how I want it, rather than simply using the existing NetBeans9 settings. I still think I'm missing some plugins but that's another issue.)
Yes, you would lose all your custom settings. But the shortcut to googleearth.exe, etc, are not provided by NetBeans, instead, they're set by you somehow and would not be there anymore if you start with a completely fresh new user directory.
OK, I see the misunderstanding.
The googleearth etc shortcuts are in \\<server>\<username>AppSenseData\DesktopIcons
I have no control over that - AppSense is something put there by our corporate IT that's supposed to help save desktop settings when moving from one PC to another. It's more trouble than it's worth, really (and is admitted as such by the IT department!). Deleting broken shortcuts merely results in AppSense putting them back again next time.
My Netbeans10 userdir is C:\PersonalData\Development\NetBeans10
There is therefore no link between the two locations - and I've checked: there are no googleearth etc shortcuts in my NB10 userdir! (also, the actual projects I'm working on are also located in C:\PersonalData\Development\... so again, no need to be looking at the server path).
Yes, the root cause is that AppSense is a pile of stinking doo-doo, and getting rid of it (if I could) would get rid of the problem. However, the problem is manifested by the way in which NetBeans behaves when open the file dialog. No other application has an error when opening a file...
I did start to wonder whether there was an underlying problem with the way Java (11 in my case) deals with broken shortcuts when creating the open file dialog. However, I've run a test project using the JFileChooser dialog with no problems.
I've also downloaded the NB sources, but there are rather a large number of files & folders, so it's not particularly easy for a newcomer to work out where to start...! Searching for the text "open project..." brings up several matches, but the only two that don't seem to be part of the testing process are in files called; in one of these there's something called LBL_NodeOpenProjectAction_Name, with the value "Open Project...". However, I can find no further reference to it.
If there's step by step instructions for reproducing this, it might help.
Possibly it's related to this PR:
I tried removing the netbeans user directories as suggested and it had no effect. The issue still remains.
Possibly it's related to this PR:
Can something be done to reproduce this? Is this problem on specific operating systems only?
I found something that seems to fix the problem.
I installed the "Quick File Chooser" plug in and now all of the file browsing menus in the netbeans ide seem to work just fine.
Indeed, if I install the Pugin I don't get a an error message that the
target has not been found if I click on the button: Open project.
But, if I click afterwards inside the window on classic view or anywhere
else the problem returns instantly, at least under windows 10 in version 10.
It is not even something like a good work around!!
Am Sa., 19. Jan. 2019 um 04:13 Uhr schrieb Jeff Ferrick (JIRA) <
Can something be done to reproduce this? Is this problem on specific operating systems only?
This was and is reproducible at any time under netbeans 8.2 until 10 (I don't know any higher version) under windows 10 (also WIndows 7 it seems and probably windows 8) using java SE 8. I did not try Java 9 0r 11 since nothing seemed to work with it (at least before netbeans 10).
I forgot to mention : using a 64 bit system windows and the Netbeans 64 bit version
Please, help me to help you. Tell me what to do to reproduce this problem.
If I had time I would try to copy the repository of Netbeans, open the
source code
of Netbeans in my environment and put a breakpoint where the system of
windows is opened,
but I have really too much very important things to do.
It happens any time after installing Netbeans when I open any project.
If you want to produce it I see only one possibility:
Establish exactly the same system, install Netbeans and open a project...
Would this be possible?
I don't see any other possibility, the problem being that I cannot tell you
if it is related to the hardware or not.
We might at first suppose that it is not the hard ware, only windows env.
So if anyone has a (virtual) OP windows 10 Pro, 64 bit using Netbeans 64
bit version 8.2, 9 or 10 64 bit
he should obtain the same problem. Does he?
Just install only windows 10 and Netbeans, all 64 bit. I would appreciate
to know if there was any problem.
I don't think that it is due to an interaction with other programs/
shortcuts, but perhaps I am in error...
Am Sa., 19. Jan. 2019 um 11:57 Uhr schrieb Geertjan Wielenga (JIRA) <
Just complete the following, thanks:
In order to reproduce the problem, take the following steps:
1. Do/click...
2. Do/click...
3. Do/click...
Expected Result:
Actual Result:
In other words, simply describe step by step what I need to do to see the problem.
My results with the Quick File Chooser plugin might be slightly different than yours.
Once the plugin is installed all of the File/Project open/browse menus within the netbeans ide work fine.
I also found that if you click on "Classic View" from inside an open file browser window that the target not found issue returns.
However, if you click on "Classic View" from inside the file browser window doesn't this essentially turn Off the Quick File Chooser code and revert back to the original netbeans code which would logically result in the return of the target not found issues.
Perhaps I am being too simplistic but if the Quick File Chooser code performs error free why not create a permanent solution by incorporating it into the netbeans IDE without the "Classic View" option.
Is there any possibility to get a very well and more *verbose output
by log files concerning this error??*
Am Sa., 19. Jan. 2019 um 13:27 Uhr schrieb Geertjan Wielenga (JIRA) <
Geertja, the problem for those of us with the issue is that it happens every time, therefore it's 100% reproduceable on our systems
Anyway, here's something to try, which seems to create another instance of the error message:
(1) Create an dummy file somewhere on your system, e.g. c:\temp\test.txt
(2) Create a shortcut to the file on your desktop. This will now have "Target:" set to "c:\temp\test.txt", and "Start in:" set to "c:\temp"
(3) Delete the dummy file
(4) In Netbeans, go to "File" | "Open Project..."
Expected Result:
The project selection dialog should be shown.
Actual Result:
A "Problem with Shortcut" error message is shown, followed by another one "netbeans64.exe Windows cannot find the target."
(*)This at least produces the problem. It seems that if the broken shortcut is anywhere on the search path it will produce the error dialog. I have also tried putting the broken shortcut in "My Documents" (produces error message), and in a non-specific folder (doesn't produce error message).
So it would seem that the Netbeans file chooser dialog is searching the path and reporting an error for all broken shortcuts. A useful function, admittedly, if you need to know, but not actually what I want to use Netbeans for!
Thanks, very clear steps. So, this is specific to Windows operating system? And it occurred from Apache NetBeans 10? Or 9? Or already in 8.2? Again simply trying to narrow down the problem.
It's on Windows 7 Enterprise (the only OS I have available to check), version 6.1 build 7601 SP 1
I've found it on Netbeans 8.2, Netbeans 9 and Netbeans 10.
(I had never noticed it in 8.2 before, but I've just tried it and got the error - maybe I just never had broken shortcuts on the path before?)
So, as a workaround, can you delete your broken shortcuts?
If this was there in 8.2, it's probably been there a lot longer than that.
Fix is probably this:
Yes, that would be a (very) temporary workaround, but not great, since they're all shortcuts that get added back automatically on reboot by a process over which I have absolutely no control (the AppSense utility).
Furthermore, even after deleting the broken shortcuts, I still continue to get the "netbeans64.exe Windows cannot find the target. [OK]" message box.
So I suspect the issue is indeed linked to the pull you mentioned, but I think there is more to it than just that. It's difficult to know without trying just that change on its own - and I don't have the time or capability to build netbeans at the moment myself to see (I can certainly verify that the CPU frequently gets absolutely hammered.)
I suspect that what's happening is that I've also got other locations listed on my path to which admin rights are required for access (e.g. C:\Users\<myusername>\Application Data). Perhaps the "cannot find the target" message is related to those? So maybe the fix needs to add in a check against inability to access a given location?
(I still can't really understand why every location on my path is being scanned anyway - only the current (last used) folder needs to be shown!)
I resolved deleting broken links on desktop and projects folder.. but it's a workaround.
If another broken link is found while browsing I must delete and retry...
NetBeans 8.2
Windows 10 Pro
I've found another interesting piece of information: We at the jMonkeyEngine SDK have recently upgraded our JDK from 8u161 to 8u192 which caused that issue to appear for a user when trying to open a project. He could confirm that reverting to an older JDK fixes the issue. Looking at these reports, you all use that JDK version as well. I'll report back if the latest (8u201/202) fixes the issue for him or not. Could be a bug in the JDK or could also be that the JDK has changed a corner case which Netbeans now falls into.
Edit: According to my tester the bug was introduced somewhere between u181 and u191 and is still existing in u202, so our workaround currently is using an old jdk. Again I'm not sure if they changed the behavior of some API which breaks netbeans or if this is a bug within the JDK
Just tried with OpenJDK 12 - no problem!
So looks like the broken code is indeed in the JDK, and has now been fixed?
Just be happy, count your blessings, knock on wood, and keep your fingers crossed.
Please attach some stack trace and if you could a way to reproduce this, so someone can have a closer look.