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  1. Commons Net
  2. NET-468

Request for native support for socks proxy routing with Commons net FTP



    • Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.4, 2.0, 3.0.1, 3.1, 3.4
    • None
    • FTP
    • None
    • We use commons net in out products for all communication to an FTP server. OS : All. No other environment specifications.


      Commons net currently does not natively support connection to an FTP server via a socks proxy. The only way of achieving this would be to work at the socket level as observed here http://wiki.apache.org/commons/Net/FrequentlyAskedQuestions. (by setting JVM properties socksProxyPort and socksProxyPortHost)

      However, a major side effect of this all connections on this JVM will go through the socks proxy since this setting is at the JVM level. This is sometimes undesirable as the business requirements are such that only certain applications on the JVM need to go through the socks proxy. There are no existing workarounds to conditionally prevent other applications to not be routed through the socks proxy. This makes our application which consumes the commons net unusable for such businesses.

      Providing native support for socks proxy with commons net for FTP, will go a long way in supporting such common scenarios and business continuity. Therefore raising this enhancement request.


        1. sockclient-proxy7.diff
          11 kB
          Bogdan Drozdowski
        2. sockclient-proxy6.diff
          9 kB
          Gary D. Gregory
        3. sockclient-proxy5.diff
          9 kB
          Bogdan Drozdowski
        4. sockclient-proxy4.diff
          7 kB
          Bogdan Drozdowski
        5. sockclient-proxy3.diff
          7 kB
          Bogdan Drozdowski
        6. imapproxy.java
          0.9 kB
          Matthew McGillis



            Unassigned Unassigned
            ramyar Ramya Rajendiran
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue

