To fully support streaming on Nemo, we should support watermark.
Issue Links
- is a child of
NEMO-157 Support Nemo Streaming
- Resolved
- is a parent of
NEMO-247 UnboundedSource WindowedWordCount ITCase
- Open
NEMO-230 Emit collected data when receiving watermark in GroupByKeyAndWindowTransform
- Resolved
NEMO-231 Add onWatermark() method to Transform
- Resolved
NEMO-232 Implement InputWatermarkManager
- Resolved
NEMO-233 Emit watermark at unbounded source
- Resolved
NEMO-237 Refactor ParentTaskDataFetcher to emit streaming data and watermark
- Resolved
NEMO-245 Handle watermark in OutputWriter
- Resolved
- relates to
NEMO-235 Refactor TaskExecutor's data processing logic
- Resolved
NEMO-216 Support side inputs and windowing
- Resolved